Presentation of the laboratory
The Supramolecular and Macromolecular Photophysics and Photochemistry (PPSM) laboratory is the chemistry laboratory within ENS Paris-Saclay, co-supervised by this school and scientific research national center CNRS.
Our activities
Its activity focus on the preparation and the study of molecules and materials whose properties can be switched through various stimuli such as photons, electrons, ions or biological phenomenon. This research is applied to various fields such as environment, health, information technology and heritage science.
PPSM activities are supported by a large variety of equipments and a broad range of expertise allowing to ensure several facets of chemistry: molecular / material design, synthesis, material elaboration, multi-scale analysis and study of properties.
PPSM members are recognized within the scientific community at the national and international level and contribute to the advancement of fundamental knowledge in photochemistry, fluorescence, spectroscopy, electrochemistry, nanomaterials, molecular recognition, organic synthesis and ancient materials.
Photocyclisation of a photochromic compound
Our involvements
PPSM is a member of the d’ALEMBERT institute and is affiliated to the Graduate School of chemistry of University Paris-Saclay. The laboratory manages the national research initiative Photo Electro Stimulation and the International research initiative NanoSynergetics in collaboration with Japan.
The members of the laboratory participate to the scientific activity of two LabEx and one major interest domain (DIM):