Génie chimique

Fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy for in situ observation of the nanocrystallization of rubrene in a micro fluidic set up

Publié le - Chemical Physics Letters

Auteurs : Serge Desportes, Zenji Yatabe, Sébastien Baumlin, Valérie Génot, Jean-Pierre Lefèvre, Hideharu Ushiki, Jacques Delaire, Robert Bernard Pansu

A 3D hydrodynamic focusing microreactor was used to observe the in situ nanocrystallization of rubrene by fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM). The crystallization is achieved by a precipitation method based on the addition of a non-solvent. The rubrene solution flows from a capillary and is squeezed in 3D by two side flows containing water. The principle of the 3D hydrodynamic focusing is detailed; this device allows to follow in situ the crystallization process in less that 5 ms. Moreover, different experiment have demonstrated the possibility of quantifying the dynamics of the crystallization process.