
Spirobifluorene-2,7-dicarbazole-4'-phosphine Oxide as Host for High-Performance Single-Layer Green Phosphorescent OLED Devices

Publié le - Organic Letters

Auteurs : Sebastien Thiery, Denis Tondelier, Bernard Geffroy, Emmanuel Jacques, Malo Robin, Rémi Métivier, Olivier Jeannin, Joëlle Rault-Berthelot, Cyril Poriel

A new host material based on the 2,7,4'-substituted spirobifluorene platform has been designed and used in single-layer phosphorescent OLED with very high efficiency (EQE = 13.2%) and low turn-on voltage (2.4 V). This performance is among the best reported for green single-layer PhOLEDs and may open new avenues in the design of host materials for single-layer devices.