Place Bâtiment Nord - 3ème étage - Bureau 3U75
After a double bachelor's degree in mathematics and physics at Sorbonne University, Laure Cazals obtained a double degree in physics between the masters Materials Physics and Nanoscience (MANO, University of Bologna) and Material Sciences and Nano Objects (SMNO, Sorbonne University). In October 2022, she starts a PhD at the laboratory of Supramolecular and Macromolecular Photophysics and Photochemistry (PPSM) under the supervision of Loïc Bertrand (CNRS, PPSM) and Agnès Desolneux (CNRS, Centre Borelli) in the framework of the European project Gogreen (GA no. 101060768).
Her research focuses on the development of new methodologies to evaluate the chemical action of organic restoration treatments, both on the surface of objects and at depth. The innovative imaging techniques developed in her project are X-ray Raman spectroscopy (a new imaging method to identify 3D organic compounds in thick samples of complex composition) and UV/visible photoluminescence. By combining statistical data processing and collection methods, she seeks to obtain high-resolution chemical data, sensitive to the presence of traces, while maintaining a reasonable dose on the sample. To do so, she develops numerical approaches based on the modeling of spectral imaging data, taking into account the specific characteristics of heritage samples both from the spectroscopic point of view and the spatial distribution of the information. Statistical tools can be evaluated with these models and then applied on spectral images of real objects to analyze the efficiency of a treatment or alterations on the surface.