Place Bâtiment Nord - 3ème étage - Bureau 3U70
Loïc Bertrand
Senior researcher
Responsable de thème de recherche
Status: Chercheur
- Senior researcher, ENS Paris-Saclay
- PhD in Materials Science (2002, Université Pierre et Marie Curie), Habilitation (2012, Université Paris-Sud)
- Coordinator of the Ancient and Heritage Materials and PAMIR Key research and innovation sectors of the Ile-de-France Region (2017–)
- Director of the IPANEMA laboratory (2010–2019)
Research topics
- Mechanisms for the preservation of biological remains in archaeological and palaeontological contexts
- Synchrotron spectral imaging
- Advanced study of artists' materials
- Interdisciplinary methodologies and innovation in heritage sciences
Scientific responsibilities
- Member of the CNRS National Committee (section 5, 2012-2016)
- Member of the Board of the "Interfaces" Doctoral School
- Member of the Steering Committee of the "Humanities - Heritage Sciences" Graduate School
- Member of the International Scientific Council "Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science", NICAS / Mellon Foundation