Place Bâtiment Nord - 4ème étage - Bureau 4S73
Rémi Métivier
CNRS Research Director
Responsable de thème de recherche
Correspondant bibliographie
Status: Chercheur
- Research Director, CNRS
- PhD in Physical Chemistry (2003, ENS Paris-Saclay), Habilitation to Lead Research (2014, ENS Paris-Saclay)
- Program Director of the PEPR LUMA
Sujets de recherche
- Design and spectroscopy of photoactive and mechanosensitive materials
- Synthesis, characterization and modeling of organic and hybrid nanosystems
- Fluorescent, photochromic and plasmonic architectures
- Microscopy instrumentation, imaging and materials applications
Scientific responsabilities
- Board of the subdivision "Photochemistry, Photophysics and Photosciences" (SP2P) (Société Chimique de France, President elect 2019-2022, elected member 2022-)
- National Thematic Network "Photo-Electro-Stimulation" (CNRS, Deputy Director 2018-2023, Steering Committee member 2023-)
- Executive Board of the IRP (ex-LIA) France-Japan "Nano-Synergetics" (CNRS, member 2018-2026)
- Steering Committee of the Paris-Saclay Physical Chemistry Federation (CNRS, Univ. Paris-Saclay, member 2015-2023)
- Steering Committee of the LabEx NanoSaclay (Univ. Paris-Saclay, nominated member, 2020-2023)
- Board of the Chemistry Graduate School (Univ. Paris-Saclay, elected member, 2021-2023)
- Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS, 13th section, elected member, 2012-2016)
Scientific recognition
- CNRS Bronze Medal Laureate (2011)
- CNRS "Young Talents" promotion (2014)
- Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Palmes académiques (2022)