Dr. Jonathan Piard is PRAG in the Reasearch and Teaching Department (DER) of Chemistry of ENS Paris-Saclay. Beyond his teaching, he is in charge of the link between teaching and research in the Chemistry DER and an active member of the Pedagogical Initiatives Group of ENS Paris-Saclay (GIPENS).
This seminar aims to explore initial thoughts on scientific leadership within the PPSM's possible 'Training-Research' transversal axis for the 2025-2030 period. It will address potential sub-themes, organization, and the involvement of DER members in the 'Teaching-Research nexus' axis. The text will examine the differences between pedagogy, didactics, chemical education, popularization, and scientific mediation. It will propose a definition based on the literature on training through research. The players at the University of Paris-Saclay and the current initiatives within the DER Chemistry will be identified. Possible avenues for future action will also be explored and discussed. The seminar will be presented in French.