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Place Amphi Dorothy Hodgkin

PhD defenses

PhD defense: Clémence Iacconi

Directory: Loïc Bertrand (PPSM) and Emilie Leccia (Novitom)

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New findings on Iron Age mineralised textiles by 3D virtual technical analysis


Archaeological textiles provide valuable information about past societies. This work focused on archaeological textiles from Iron Age sites mineralised in contact with copper-based artefacts. We developed a method based on fibre orientation to segment synchrotron X-ray microtomography data collected on centimetre-sized fragments. Technical analysis of textiles from Creney-le-Paradis (8th–5th c. BCE, Aube, France) reveals the presence of 16 different pieces and supports an aristocratic status of the burial. This morphological analysis of the textiles coupled with chemical dye analysis identified the remains of the oldest dress in the Netherlands, at Uden Slabroekse Heide (800–500 BC), made of red and blue wool woven in a shepherd’s check pattern. Finally, we explored an original interface between material chemistry and design with 23 students from ENSCi– Les Ateliers.

PhD directory

  • Director: Loïc Bertrand - Researcher director, ENS Paris-Saclay
  • Co-supervisor: Emilie Leccia - Ingenior, Novitom company

Members of the jury

  • President: Stéphane Roux - CNRS Researcher director, LMPS
  • Rapportrice & Examinator: Karina Grömer - Professor, Naturhistorisches Museum Wien
  • Rapporteur & Examinator: Pierre Dumont - Professor, INSA Lyon
  • Examinator: Nathalie Ginoux - Professor, Institut d'art et d'archéologie
  • Examinator: Agnès Lattuati-Derieux - Research ingenior, Culture Ministry
  • Examinator: James Auger - Design department director, ENS Paris-Saclay