Awards & distinctions

Best oral communication price for Julien Malletroit

A PhD student awarded for his work and oral prestation

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Julien Malletroit remarkably ends his first year of PhD by being awarded with the best oral communication price for the Physical, Biophysical and Analytical Chemistry cluster (CPBA) during the doctoral school Sciences Chimiques : Molécules, Matériaux, Instrumentation et Biosystèmes (2MIB) day, that happened on May 24, 2022.

His presentation, that started with definitions about photochromism (positive and negative, P or T type), focused on the study of a negative photochromic molecules family: DASA. UV-visible spectroscopic in solution experiences showed different photo-physical processes and the temporal evolution of these systems. A method allowing the determination of the samples composition, coupling NMR studies and UV-visible spectroscopy, was explained too.

Julien Malletroit PhD work is included in the B research theme photo- and/or electro-switchable molecular systems of PPSM. This promising young researcher is supervised by Rémi Métivier and Guillaume Laurent.