Région Île-de-France is funding a major new programme to support research and innovation in heritage sciences (2022 - 2026) though the labellisation of Domaine de recherche et d'Innovation majeur Patrimoines matériels - innovation, expérimentation et résiliences (DIM PAMIR).
Major issues
The aim of the DIM Material Heritage - innovation, experimentation and resilience is to respond to contemporary challenges that arise from traditional oppositions between nature and culture, material and immaterial, science and art, and the past and future in heritage science. For this, heritage is indeed a unique field for projecting into the future on the basis of experiences and problems from the past.
An interdisciplinary Ile-de-France network will enable new collaborations between scientists and socio-economic actors, including new digital actors, museums, cultural and artistic institutions, and industrialists.
What uses for the funding?
Through calls for projects, the DIM Patrimoines matériels - innovation, expérimentation et résilience funds projects led by scientists from the Ile-de-France region, such as:
- doctoral and post-doctoral funding and internships for young scientists;
- the acquisition of federative equipment, the financing of engineers to develop breakthrough instrumentation;
- the development of scientific projects related to museography, data visualisation, digital creation and design;
- support for scientific events and visiting professorships;
- projects of collective interest, such as cartographies or decision support tools.
DIM PAMIR means 935 scientists from Île-de-France, 96 laboratories belonging to 41 institutions, schools, universities and ministries but also 35 socio-économic players.